var defaultScreenMode = "default" // will replace with parm
var defaultPasswordChangePage = "password_change.jsp" // will replace with parm
var defaultMessagePage = "/jsps/error.jsp";
var defaultLogonPage = "/";
var defaultPath = "/jsps/";
var defaultServletPath = "/EFClientMainServlet";
var defaultAdminServletPath = "/EFAdminServlet";
var activeServlet = "/EFClientMainServlet";
var defaultSystemID = "BFIA";
var pageDumpTimer = 30000;
var sessionCheckTimer = 5000;
//var sessionCheckTimer = 45;
var suspendTimeout = 9000;
var pageKeyName = "_includes_js_rsscript.jsp";
var DEBUG = false;
var checkTimeOutSw = true;
var formsDumpSw = false;
var defaultErrorFieldStyle = "color";
var defaultErrorFieldColor = "yellow";
var securedSw = true;
var undefined; // do not give this a value
var errorMessageType = "span";
var processing_dialog;
var processCntr = 0;
var processingWindowStatus;
var processingMessage = "";
var lastEventTime = new Date();
var isSuspendMode = false;
var isSuspendDialog = false;
var pingSw = true;
var now = false;
var dialogSw = false;
var alertUp = false;
var coverUp = false;
var bypassSuspend = false;
var rsParent;
var closePopupsSw = false;
var containerHash = {};
var p_uid ="";
var p_pwd ="";
var m_page_timer_sw = false;
var loggingOut = false;
var bypassUnload = false;
var to_upper_sw = false;
var scrnWidth = 0;
var scrnHeight = 0;
var processId;
var pingInterval = 7000;
var rs_userid = "null";
//some useful constants
var CONFIRM_YES = 1;
var CONFIRM_NO = 2;
/* errorNotify - used to report any exceptions encountered */
Debugging methods to print out the present stack trace
function stackTrace(startingPoint) {
var stackTraceMessage = "Stack trace: \n";
if (document) {
stackTraceMessage += "Current document: " + document.location + " \n";
var nextCaller = startingPoint;
while (nextCaller) {
stackTraceMessage += getSignature(nextCaller) + "\n";
nextCaller = nextCaller.caller;
stackTraceMessage += "\n\n";
return stackTraceMessage;
function getSignature(theFunction) {
var signature = getFunctionName(theFunction);
signature += "(";
for (var x=0; x 30)
nextArgument = nextArgument.substring(0, 30) + "...";
// apend the next argument to the signature
signature += nextArgument!=null ? "'" + nextArgument + "'" : 'null';
// comma seperator
if(x < theFunction.arguments.length - 1)
signature += ", ";
signature += ")";
return signature;
function getFunctionName(theFunction) {
// mozilla makes it easy. I love mozilla.
if( {
// try to parse the function name from the definition
var definition = theFunction.toString();
var name = definition.substring(definition.indexOf('function') + 8,definition.indexOf('('));
return name;
// sometimes there won't be a function name
// like for dynamic functions
return "anonymous";
function errorNotify(errobj) {
//we don't want to show the same error multiple times
if (DEBUG && !errobj.alerted) {
alert("!error! " + errobj.message);
errobj.alerted = true;
throw errobj;
} else if (DEBUG) {
//allow browser to receive the exception, helps for debugging
throw errobj;
function isReadOnly(show_warning) {
return false;
function startsWith(str, val) {
if (str == null || val == null) return false;
if (val.length > str.length) return false;
return (str.indexOf(val,0) != -1);
function setMother(m){
function setPing(sw) {
pingSw = sw;
function setDebug(sw) {
DEBUG = sw;
function getSelectedValue(el) {
if (el == null) return null;
var inx = el.selectedIndex;
if (inx != -1) {
return (el.options[inx].value);
return null;
// Basic event handler routines
function setParent(w) {
rsParent = w;
function setEventTime() {
try {
if (!m_page_timer_sw)return;
lastEventTime = new Date();
if (rsParent != undefined) rsParent.setEventTime();
catch (e) { errorNotify(e); }
function setDialogSwitch(sw) {
dialogSw = sw;
function isDialog(){return dialogSw;}
function setSessionPing() {
setInterval("pingServer(true)", pingInterval);
/** initializes the page */
function initPage(sw) {
try {
loggingOut = false;
// set the timer as necessary
--- THIS SECTION HAS BEEN DISABLED -- USE setSessionPing in top window of appliccation.
if ((false == true || dialogSw == true) || (sw != undefined && sw == true)) {
m_page_timer_sw = true;
setInterval("checkSessionTimeOut()", sessionCheckTimer);
setInterval("pingServer(false)", pingInterval);
else {
m_page_timer_sw = false;
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function getScreenMode() {
try {
// call method in footer
return getScreenModeF();
} catch (e) { errorNotify(e); }
function isResolutionChanged() {
try {
var w = screen.availWidth;
var h = screen.availHeight;
return (w != scrnWidth || h != scrnHeight);
} catch (e) {}
function pingServer(bypass) {
try {
if (!pingSw) return;
var c = createNewContainer("PING");
var tw = getTopWindow();
if (tw != null) {
if (tw.isResolutionChanged()) {
tw.scrnWidth = screen.availWidth;
tw.scrnHeight = screen.availHeight;
c.putRequestParameter("screen_width", tw.scrnWidth);
c.putRequestParameter("screen_height", tw.scrnHeight);
if (bypass) c.setBypassSessionCheckSw(true);
else c.setBypassSessionCheckSw(false);
callEngageRS(c, "ping", "pingHandler", false);
catch (e) {}
function pingHandler(c) {
try {
do {
if (!c.isAck()) {
closePopupsSw = true;
if (false == true || dialogSw) {
var doneSw = "logout";
var obj = new Object;
obj.response = doneSw;
window.returnValue = obj;
if (c.wasError()) {
if (false == true || dialogSw) {
if (isSuspendDialog) {
closePopupsSw = true;
var doneSw = "logout";
var obj = new Object;
obj.response = doneSw;
window.returnValue = obj;
var message = c.getResponseParameter("usermessage");
if (message != undefined && message.length > 0) {
var fname = c.getResponseParameter("firstname");
var lname = c.getResponseParameter("lastname");
fname = htmlDecode(fname);
lname = htmlDecode(lname);
message = htmlDecode(message);
alert("Message from " + fname + " " + lname + "
" + message, 675, 300);
catch (e) {}
function htmlDecode(input){
var decoded = $('
return decoded;
function showMDialog(_url, obj, str, callBackParam) {
obj = obj || {};
var heightParam = 500;
var widthParam = 500;
str = modifyDialogHeightWidth(str);
if (str.indexOf("dialogHeight") != -1) {
var heightString = str.substring(str.indexOf("dialogHeight") + "dialogHeight".length);
heightString = heightString.substring(heightString.indexOf(":") + 1, heightString.indexOf("px"));
heightParam = parseInt(heightString);
if (str.indexOf("dialogWidth") != -1) {
var widthString = str.substring(str.indexOf("dialogWidth") + "dialogWidth".length);
widthString = widthString.substring(widthString.indexOf(":") + 1, widthString.indexOf("px"));
widthParam = parseInt(widthString);
return getIFrameDialogBox(_url, widthParam, heightParam, obj.title || '', '', callBackParam, obj);
//converting parameters to firefox style (
function convertIEWindowParamsToFirefox(sFeatures) {
1. edge & help attributes do not work.
2. "height" & "width" must be entered before "center"
3. if you should choose to set "center=yes" do not put in "left" and "top"
4. Minimize button not hidden, but when clicked the window will not disappear
5. Aside from the aforementioned, all features should react the same *fingers crossed*
6. Still in the works, so don't expect miracles. Any problems/queries/complaints please don't hesitate.
sFeatures = sFeatures.replace(/ /gi,'');
arrFeatures = sFeatures.split(";");
sWinFeat = "directories=0,menubar=0,titlebar=0,toolbar=0,";
for ( x in arrFeatures ) {
aTmp = arrFeatures[x].split(":");
sKey = aTmp[0].toLowerCase();
sVal = aTmp[1];
switch (sKey) {
case "dialogheight" :
sWinFeat += "height=" + sVal + ",";
pHeight = sVal;
case "dialogwidth":
sWinFeat += "width=" + sVal + ",";
pWidth = sVal;
case "dialogtop":
sWinFeat += "screenY=" + sVal + ",";
case "dialogleft":
sWinFeat += "screenX=" + sVal + ",";
case "resizable":
sWinFeat += "resizable=" + sVal + ",";
case "status":
sWinFeat += "status=" + sVal + ",";
case "center":
if ( sVal.toLowerCase() == "yes" ) {
sWinFeat += "screenY=" + ((screen.availHeight-pHeight)/2) + ",";
sWinFeat += "screenX=" + ((screen.availWidth-pWidth)/2) + ",";
return sWinFeat;
function showMlessDialog(_url, obj, str) {
try {
str = modifyDialogHeightWidth(str);
if (window.showModelessDialog) {
return showModelessDialog(_url, obj, str);
} else {
str = convertIEWindowParamsToFirefox(str);
var wnd =, _url, str);
wnd.dialogArguments = obj;
} catch (e) { errorNotify(e); }
function modifyDialogHeightWidth(str) {
var _multiplier = 1.1;
var ixH = 0;
var ixHP = 0;
var sstr = "";
var sstr2 = "";
var pH = 0;
var pW = 0;
var s = "";
var s_w = screen.availWidth;
var s_h = screen.availHeight;
ixH = str.indexOf("dialogHeight:", 0);
ixHP = str.indexOf("px", ixH);
sstr = str.substring(ixH, ixHP + 2);
s = str.substring(ixH + "dialogHeight:".length, ixHP);
pH = parseInt(s);
if ((pH * _multiplier) <= s_h) {
sstr2 = sstr.replace(s, " "+ (pH * _multiplier));
str = str.replace(sstr, sstr2);
ixH = str.indexOf("dialogWidth:", 0);
ixHP = str.indexOf("px", ixH);
sstr = str.substring(ixH, ixHP + 2);
s = str.substring(ixH + "dialogWidth:".length, ixHP);
pW = parseInt(s);
if ((pW * _multiplier) <= s_w) {
sstr2 = sstr.replace(s, " "+ (pW * _multiplier));
str = str.replace(sstr, sstr2);
return str;
function error(pMessage, w, h) {
if (pMessage == null) return;
pMessage = "" + pMessage + "";
if (w == null || h == null) {
if (pMessage.length > 150) {
w = 533;
h = 333;
alert(pMessage, w, h);
function isNativeModalDialogBoxSupported() {
return false;
function removeHTMLTags(str) {
if (str == null || str.length == 0) return "";
str = str.replace(/ /g, "\n");
str = str.replace(/ /g, "\n");
str = str.replace(/<\/br>/g, "");
for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
var index1 = str.indexOf("<")
if (index1 < 0) break;
var index2 = str.indexOf(">", index1);
if (index2 < 0) break;
var a = str.substring(0, index1);
if (index2 < str.length -1) {
str = a + str.substring(index2 + 1);
else {
str = a;
return str;
var origAlert = window.alert;
window.alert = function(pMessage, w, h) {
if (isNativeModalDialogBoxSupported()) {
return alertBox(pMessage, w, h);
return origAlert(removeHTMLTags(pMessage));
function alertBox(pMessage, w, h) {
var pg = "alert.jsp";
if (!securedSw) pg = "alert_NS.jsp";
if (w == undefined) {
w = 375;
if (h == undefined){
h = 225;
var msg = ("" + pMessage).replace(/^\n/, ' ');
var obj = {};
obj.pMessage = msg;
obj.securedSw = securedSw;
closePopupsSw = false;
try {
window.sessionStorage.setItem("dialogArguments", JSON.stringify(obj));
} catch (ignored) {}
// mother and pParent won't be passed because of the serialization process
obj.mother = getTopWindow();
obj.pParent = window;
var ret = window.showMDialog("/skeva/engage/engage_common/view/web/" + pg, obj, "center: yes; dialogHeight: " + h + "px; dialogWidth: " + w + "px; edge: Raised; scroll: No; resizable: No; status: No;");
return ret || false;
function confirmJQuery(message, callbackOk, callbackCancel) {
modal: true,
resizable: false,
title: "Confirmation",
open: function() {
buttons: {
Cancel: function() {
callbackCancel && callbackCancel();
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
OK: function(){
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
function passwordPromptJQuery(msg, callback){
var tmp = msg + "
modal: true,
resizable: false,
open: function() {
var buttons = $('.ui-button');
buttons: {
OK: function(){
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
var origConfirm = window.confirm;
window.confirm = function(pMessage, w, h, set_upper_left, path_to_page) {
if (isNativeModalDialogBoxSupported()) {
return confirmBox(pMessage, w, h, set_upper_left, path_to_page);
return origConfirm(removeHTMLTags(pMessage));
function confirmBox(pMessage, w, h, set_upper_left, path_to_page) {
var ret;
try {
var pg = "confirm.jsp";
if (path_to_page == null || path_to_page == undefined) {
path_to_page = "/skeva/engage/engage_common/view/web/" + pg;
var ustr = (set_upper_left != null && set_upper_left == true) ?
" dialogLeft:25; dialogTop:25; " : "";
if (!securedSw) pg = "confirm_NS.jsp";
var msg = pMessage.replace(/^\n/, ' ');
var obj = new Object();
obj.pMessage = msg;
obj.pParent = window;
obj.securedSw = securedSw;
obj.mother = getTopWindow();
closePopupsSw = false;
if (w != undefined && h != undefined)
ret = window.showMDialog(path_to_page,obj, ustr + "center: yes; dialogHeight: " + h + "px; dialogWidth: " + w + "px; edge: Raised; scroll: No; resizable: No; status: No;");
ret = window.showMDialog(path_to_page,obj, ustr + "center: yes; dialogHeight: 225px; dialogWidth: 350px; edge: Raised; scroll: No; resizable: No; status: No;");
if (ret == undefined) return false;
else return ret;
catch (e) {}
function confirm3Buttons(pMessage, w, h) {
var pg = "/skeva/engage/engage_common/view/web/confirm3Buttons.jsp";
var msg = pMessage.replace(/^\n/, ' ');
var obj = new Object();
obj.pMessage = msg;
obj.pParent = window;
obj.securedSw = securedSw;
obj.mother = getTopWindow();
w = w || 350;
h = h || 225;
var ret = window.showMDialog(pg, obj, "center: yes; dialogHeight: " + h + "px; dialogWidth: " + w + "px; edge: Raised; scroll: No; resizable: No; status: No;");
return ret || CONFIRM_CANCEL;
function confirmDialog(pMessage,pType,height,width) {
try {
var msg = pMessage.replace(/^\n/, ' ');
var obj = new Object();
obj.pMessage = msg;
obj.pParent = window;
obj.securedSw = securedSw;
obj.mother = getTopWindow();
obj.type = pType;
var ret = window.showMDialog("/skeva/engage/engage_common/view/web/confirm.jsp",obj,"center: yes; dialogHeight: "+height+"px; dialogWidth: "+width+"px; edge: Raised; scroll: No; resizable: No; status: No;");
if (ret == undefined) return false;
else return ret;
} catch (e) { errorNotify(e); }
function passwordPrompt(pMessage) {
return prompt(pMessage, null, null, null, true, true);
var origPrompt = window.prompt;
window.prompt = function(pMessage, pDefault, w, h, password_sw, useNativePrompt) {
if (!useNativePrompt && isNativeModalDialogBoxSupported()) {
return promptBox(pMessage, pDefault, w, h, password_sw);
return origPrompt(removeHTMLTags(pMessage), removeHTMLTags(pDefault));
function promptBox(pMessage, pDefault, w, h, password_sw) {
try {
var pg = "/jsps/prompt.jsp?message=" + pMessage
if (password_sw != null) pg += "&password=Y";
if (pDefault != null) pg += "&default_value=" + pDefault;
var obj = new Object();
if (w == null) w = 675;
if (h == null) h = 135;
return window.showMDialog(pg, obj,"center: yes; dialogHeight: " + h + "px; dialogWidth: " + w + "px; edge: Raised; scroll: No; resizable: No; status: No;");
catch (e) {}
function openProcessingWindow(pMessage, max_in_milliseconds) {
var m = pMessage || "";
max_in_milliseconds = max_in_milliseconds || 60000;
var mother = getTopWindow();
if (!mother.Ext) {
mother = this;
if (processing_dialog) {
processing_dialog ={
msg: m,
closable: true,
progressText: 'Processing...',
width: 400,
wait: {
interval: 200
} catch (e) {
console.error('Unable to show processing_dialog:', e);
setTimeout(function() {
if (processing_dialog && processing_dialog.isVisible()) {
}, max_in_milliseconds);
return processing_dialog;
function checkProcessingStatus() {
if (getProcessingWindowStatus() == "close") {
function closeProcessingWindowNow() {
try {
if (processing_dialog) {
} catch(e) {
processingWindowStatus = null;
processing_dialog = null;
function closeProcessingWindow() {
try {
} catch (e) {
processing_dialog = null;
function closeProcessingImage() {
try {
catch(e) {}
function setProccessImage(sw) {
if ( {
if (sw) {$("#processImage").css("display", "inline");
} else {$("#processImage").css("display", "none");
function openProcessingWindowBACK(pMessage, max_in_milliseconds) {
try {
if (getProcessingWindowStatus() == "open") {
processingMessage = pMessage;
var obj = new Object();
obj.pMessage = pMessage;
obj.pParent = window;
var _url = "/skeva/engage/engage_common/view/web/processing2.jsp";
if (max_in_milliseconds)
_url += "?max_time=" + max_in_milliseconds;
return window.showMDialog(_url, obj,"center: yes; dialogHeight: 235px; dialogWidth: 400px; scroll: no; raised; resizable: no; status: no;");
} catch (e) { errorNotify(e); }
function closeProcessingWindowBACK() {
function getProcessingMessage() {
try {
if (processingMessage != undefined && trim(processingMessage).length > 0) {
var m = processingMessage;
processingMessage = "";
return m;
return "";
} catch (e) { errorNotify(e); }
function getProcessingWindowStatus() {
return processingWindowStatus;
function setProcessingWindowStatus(status) {
processingWindowStatus = status;
function logoutSession() {
try {
} catch (e) { errorNotify(e); }
function doLogout() {
try {
callEngageRS(createNewContainer("logoutSession"), "handleLogout", "NONE", false);
bypassUnload = true;
} catch (e) { errorNotify(e); }
* this is slightly different than doLogout in that it also sets an exception
* so that the logon page can display the invalid session message
function invalidateSession(uid, pwd) {
try {
var c =createNewContainer("invalidateSession");
p_uid = "";
p_pwd = "";
if (uid != undefined && pwd != undefined) {
p_uid = uid;
p_pwd = pwd;
c.putRequestParameter("p_userid", p_uid);
c.putRequestParameter("p_password", p_pwd);
bypassUnload = true;
callEngageRS(c, "handleInvalidateSession", "NONE", false);
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function logoutHandler(c) {
try {goToLogon();}
catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function getScreenMode() {
try {
var pos;
var start;
var end;
var ck = document.cookie;
var v;
var value;
var pos = ck.indexOf("defaultScreenMode");
if (pos != -1) {
v = "defaultScreenMode";
start = pos + v.length+1;
end = ck.indexOf("&", start);
value = ck.substring(start, end);
if (value != undefined) {
return value;
catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
return "default";
function goToLogon() {
try {
loggingOut = true;
var loc = "";
loc = "/";
if (getScreenMode() == "full" ) {
getTopWindow().location = loc;
getTopWindow().location = loc;
} catch (e) {alert(e);errorNotify(e);}
function clearPageSnapShot() {
try {
var c = createNewContainer("SNAPSHOT");
c.putRequestParameter("pageKey", pageKeyName);
callEngageRS(c, "clearPageSnapShot", "NONE", false);
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function loadPageSnapShot() {
try {
var c = createNewContainer("SNAPSHOT");
c.putRequestParameter("pageKey", pageKeyName);
callEngageRS(c, "getPageSnapShot", "loadPageSnapShotHandler", false);
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function loadPageSnapShotHandler(c) {
try {
// error message will already by set if ERR_MESSAGE TAG EXISTS
do {
if (!c.wasError()) {
var v = c.getResponse();
if (v == undefined || v.length == 0) break;
var item = c.getResponseParameter("PAGEVALUE");
var xmlDoc = rsxml.XMLDocument;
else {alert("error");errorHandler(c);}
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
/** helper method to reset all forms in a frameset */
function resetPageForms() {
try {
for(i=0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function setPageDumpTimer(val) {
try {
pageDumpTimer = val;
//'setInterval("formElementsDump()", pageDumpTimer);
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function setServletPath(val) {activeServlet = val;}
function setClientServlet() {activeServlet = defaultServletPath;}
function setAdminServlet() {activeServlet = defaultAdminServletPath;}
function getClientServlet(){return defaultServletPath;}
function getAdminServlet(){return defaultAdminServletPath;}
function handleFormsSubmit(frms, c, mth, callback) {
try {
if (frms == undefined || frms.length == 0) return;
var len = frms.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function handleFormSubmit(frm, c, mth, callback) {
try {
doFormSubmitSetup(frm, c);
return callEngageRS(c, mth, callback, false);
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function handleFormSubmit2(frm, c, mth, o, asyn) {
try {
doFormSubmitSetup(frm, c);
return callEngageRS2(c, mth, o, null, asyn);
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function handleFormDump(frm) {
try {
var c = createNewContainer("NONE")
c.putRequestParameter("page_key", pageKeyName);
doFormSubmitSetup(frm, c);
callEngageRS(c, "setFormElementsDump", "NONE", false);
catch (e) {}
function handleSubmit(c, mth, callback) {
try {
for(var i=0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {
doFormSubmitSetup(document.forms[i], c);
return callEngageRS(c, mth, callback, false);
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
function handleSubmit2(c, mth, w) {
try {
for(var i=0; i < w.document.forms.length; i++) {
doFormSubmitSetup(w.document.forms[i], c);
return callEngageRS2(c, mth, w);
} catch (e) {errorNotify(e);}
* note: this processes using normal form submit rules:
* 1) if a